If you are looking for a reliable treated timber supplier, William Kirkwood & Sons in Castlewellan is the company to call. We have a wide range available at competitive prices, or we can treat your own timber to UC/HC3 or UC/HC4 levels of protection.
William Kirkwood & Sons have more than 50 years of experience in the high pressure treatment of timber at our on-site plant.
Timber is the perfect construction material whether you are building a home or a landscape project in your garden. Wood is man’s only true natural resource with at least one tree being planted for every one cut down. In addition, timber acts as a carbon sink, absorbing ozone damaging gases and keeping them locked in for the duration of the timber’s life.
Like all natural product, timber is vulnerable to the effects of weather, fungal and insect attack when exposed to certain conditions. Forcing preservative into the timber under controlled vacuum & high-pressure process can significantly extend the service life of properly treated timber. In order to ensure the correct treatment fluid and process, William Kirkwood & Sons have partnered with leading preservative supplier Koppers Performance Chemicals.
Koppers PC are the leading supplier of a range of wood preservatives from creosote to water-based preservatives, and have manufacturing and operations on all 5 continents around the globe. The award winning Celcure range of high-pressure preservatives are used extensively around the world to protect timbers in all end-use applications.
For more information on the Koppers Performance Chemicals, please click on the link Koppers Performance Chemicals Treated Wood | Europe (kopperspc.eu),
For more information on the Celcure wood preservative used by William Kirkwood & Sons, please follow the link, celcure-c4-brochure.pdf (kopperspc.eu)
To view the treatment process used in William Kirkwood & Sons, view the link, Videos - Koppers Europe (kopperspc.eu)

Use Classes are defined by British and European Standards. The moisture environment that the timber will be exposed to in its eventual end use situation will determine the level of preservative protection required to defend the timber from the biological hazard likely to be expected at those in-service moisture conditions. The higher the Use Class the higher the level of preservative protection required. The five Use Classes are summarized in the table below:
William Kirkwood & Sons have over 50 years experience in the high-pressure vacuum treatment of timber. The Celcure preservatives used by William Kirkwood & Sons are best suited to Use Class 3 and Use Class 4 applications where the risk of fungal decay and deterioration are greatest such as construction timbers, claddings, decking, fencing, landscaping timbers, agricultural stakes and utility poles.
Please contact us to discuss your timber requirements.

William Kirkwood & Sons also stock imported Incised fencing posts where incising technology is used to allow a deeper and more consistent penetration of preservative into the timber.
Our imported agricultural fencing is treated to UC3/HC3 and UC4/HC4 requirements with Impralit-KDS wood preservative. This is a high-performance product with a friendly environmental profile. It binds very tightly to cellulose, protecting the strength of the wood and staying where it belongs. The pressure treatment by Imprest AS is certified by Nordic Wood Preservation Council and The Wood Preservation Association.

CALL 028 4377 8276
As an established treated timber supplier, we are used to fulfilling orders for projects of all sizes, quickly and efficiently. Place your order today by calling William Kirkwood & Sons in Castlewellan: